Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Kari Wright!!

Name: Kari WrightStudent’s Name: Trevor Wright
Student’s Graduation Year: 2015
Your Birthday: 3-15
*What is one of your most embarrassing moments? 
My friends and I went on vacation. I was taking a shower (with a non see through shower curtain of coarse) and another girl was doing her hair. Just as she opened the door to leave the shower curtain fell down and, as luck would have it, I was standing there naked as all the rest of our friends came back in from swimming- just in time to see me! Luckily they were all girls....

Where is the most amazing place you've ever been? 
This is a hard question for me because I love to travel and have learned something new from every place I've been.  I might say Switzerland...?  I remember using an old fashioned skeleton key to open the door to my room,  sleeping in a down comforter, on a down matress, etc., waking up to a cow bell, and then walking down the street in mist and seeing the most beautiful green grass and swiss homes.  It was heaven!

What are your top five favorite things to do? 
My husband and I playing with our two boys, reading, piano, camping, hiking and fishing.

If you could eat at any restaurant for your birthday, what would it be?  
Cafe Madrid.  I've never eaten there but they are supposed to have authentic paella and I LOVE paella! (a famous Spanish dish)