Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Tasheena Zickgraf!

Name: Tasheena Zickgraf
Student's Name: Derek Zickgraf
Student's Graduation Year: 2010
Birthday: 8/19
Blog: http://essentialzickgraf.blogspot.com

Tell us about your family.
Married to my best friend for seven years, three kids (2 girls and a boy): Avril-5 loving, girly and sensitive, Alexandria-2 1/2 sassy, boisterous, adores her big sister, and Roman 9 months happiest baby you'll ever see and busy as any crazy little boy can be.

How do you spend your free time?
HA! Here's how I'd like to if I had any: photography and photo editing, graphic/web design (I'm a novice, don't get excited), artsy fartsy stuff, music/singing, painting "tapestries", blogging, and otherwise "creating"; learning German & French with Derek, reading Shakespeare with Derek, studying religion, philosophy, family relations; catching up with friends . . .

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Why?
South of France. I'd love to brush up on the language, soak up the French countryside, wake up to the scent of lavender wafting in through the shuttered windows of my villa on the Mediterranean . . .

If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I have always wanted to be a photographer for the National Geographic. Traveling, photography and wild things!

Are you a beach, country, or city person?
BEACH--although there is definitely a part of me that loves the country AND the city. Call me well-rounded. I tend to be pretty happy wherever I am. I'm most at home wherever my little family is!

What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
Either shape-shifting or flying. Shape-shifting because that's just me- I love experiencing life from different viewpoints and I--well, I've always secretly (well, ok, not-so-secretly) wanted to be a mermaid. Or a fairy. Hence the flying.

Where are you from?
Little ole Rexburg, Idaho--southeastern, the toe of the boot for those unfamiliar.

How do you want to be remembered?
As a committed and loving wife and mother, as an intelligent, giving and fun-loving member of whatever social community I am a part, as a good friend, a generous host and a gracious guest.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Ashley Paul Orme!

Name: Ashley Paul Orme
Student's Name: Geoffrey Joseph Orme

Student's Graduation Year: 2012
Birthday: August 4th


What's your favorite food?
Right now, watermelon!!

If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
Be in a Broadway show is the first thing that comes to mind - too bad I am tone deaf...

Are you a beach, country or city person?
I love all of those kinds of places.

What super-power would you most like to have and why?
Mary Poppins kind of powers would be sweet! I guess I like things neat and tidy and her special purse could come in handy...

Where are you from?