Friday, December 20, 2013

Angel Tree 2014

Each year the SAA hosts a charity for the community called Angel Tree. We take a list of anonymous names of children and families that will be without Christmas and hold a drive to collect items both useful and fun for the children. This year about 180 children woke up Christmas morning to find gifts under the tree.

Our 1st Vice President Millena, ran our Angel Tree Drive this year and did a FABULOUS job! Thank you to all those that donated gifts, made scarves and hats, and found coats and gloves. It's a great feeling to serve Kirksville's youth, keeping them warm and their Christmas wishes alive!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November General Meeting

This month ATSU's very own Tom VanVleck came to address us on stress management and developing communication between us and our significant others. For those that missed it, it was good to get a little up-lifter. For those of us that were there, it was great to get the juices flowing for asking questions and bettering our relationships.

Sometimes, as much as I'd like to think that my student and I have it all together, we can always use some pointers to make it better. As much as I have some answers and opinions, nobody's relationship is perfect. I think its hard for many of us to see that we aren't the only ones, and that medical school is tough on everyone. 

Here are a few introspective gems that I took away from Tom's advice:

#1 How can you make the relationship more together than you when you are a part?
     I think my student and I sometimes forget to live in the moment. We spend a lot of time looking toward the future and sacrificing for it. Our future is really supported with hopes, dreams and efforts. However we really don't put nearly as much energy in enjoying the now. Collette made a comment I really appreciated that as much as we are excited for our futures in the medical world, we still are living here and now. We shouldn't spend so much time thinking about later when we could really be enjoying the moment. 

#2 We all have the ability to choose how our relationship is going to grow and develop. 
      Just because we have chosen someone to be with, doesn't mean lives come to a halt. Interests and adventure is still out there. I know we could really focus more on getting to know one another. There is no reason we should be courting each other like we did when we first met. 

#3 Know when to move on, holding a grudge does nothing positive.
     I have been guilty of just stewing about how mad I am, and in the end it's never developed anything. I think there is a lot of power in quick forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt. Being angry takes a lot of energy, I don't feel I can sacrifice any energy as the day to day is stressful enough. 

#4 We all need to say Thank You more often. 
      I remember when I used to keep a gratitude journal. When Tom addressed this topic, I kept thinking about that experience in my own life. It was really uplifting to sit down and think of all the good things that happened during the day. I think making an effort to verbalize to each other how grateful I am, even that my student spends an extra min to drag the trash can back to the house, would really make a difference in our daily attitude toward one another. 

#5 So little of what we say contributes to our relationship. 
     Tom was referring to our daily conversations with each other. How often are we just talking about business? 

#6 We all need to feel as though we haven't failed each other. 
      Each of us is going to live up or down to expectations. I feel as though I fall short often. The good thing is (and this is why I fell in love so hard) for me, I am of value because of the supportive companionship I provide to my student and he never fails at letting me know he isn't going to give up. Regardless of how many times I fall on my face. I know we just started med school, but I hope we don't ever let that go away. 

Tom ended with the example of happy lottery winners. Of all the people that won it big, those that were over the moon happy with their winnings, were already happy with even just $5 in their pocket. The power of positive thinking is huge, and can be a life changing factor in dealing with our daily strife in medical school if we let it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Founder's Day

In case anyone forgot what is going on, here are the times for the activities today!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

House Keeping...

I am aware that the dates and a few things on the right side bar are incorrect and out of date. Blogger doesn't seem to want to play with me. I have tried  for several days different ways to remove/fix/add the correct information. Please be patient as I try to work out the glitches.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Welcome Dental Students!

The addition of a Dental School here in Kirksville is very exciting! Tomorrow is orientation, and before your know it the first day of school!

The SAA is thrilled to be a part of welcoming even more students into the mix. We hope the next few days are memorable and fun for all that are involved. 

If there is anything we can do for students or advocates that are with them, please contact any of us here or if you are interested in joining the SAA go here!

Monday, September 2, 2013

September Calendar

Any other questions about dates? Click the calendar tab above.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Calendar

to download calendar, right click image, save image as

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

White Coat 2013

Now that school is in the full swing of things, Here are a few moments that ATSU's photographer Kelley Rogers captured from the White Coat Ceremony. 
Kelly does AMAZING work! If you are ever able to get to know him, you should. He is extremely talented.
Our wonderful adviser Lori Haxton wears MANY hats for ATSU. We are lucky to have her!
ATSU is always excited for each year to start. Each class becomes a little family. We as the Student Advocate Association are lucky to have such a big roll in supporting all of our students!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Taste of Kirksville-Mark your calendars!

We are all looking forward to Wednesday! The Taste of Kirksville is designed for Students to come enjoy samples and booths from various restaurants and businesses in Kirksville. It's a great way for newly arrived students to quickly get to know all that Kirksville has to offer! All of the clubs from the medical school also come and have information for students to sign up and get involved! 

The SAA will also be there providing babysitting (no children are allowed in the gym) and to sign new members up. There you can pay your dues and order this year's SAA shirt! 

Thank You to all of you that have volunteered your time to babysit for the Taste of Kirksville. It means a lot to the students when we are able to serve them, but it's a really great thing when we are willing to serve each other!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Every monthly calendar will be available under the calendar tab to view or in the right hand column. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Birthday Collages!

This coming year I am hoping to change things up a little bit for the birthday spotlights. I want to put together mini-collages for each member instead of a questionnaire. 

You will get an email to fill out these same questions. BUT if you are just sitting around this summer looking for something to do... go ahead and answer the questions and email me a picture This means the more time I have to draw something up, the better.

 I want to be very clear, You only need to answer the questions. IF you have a picture you would like to include, awesome!

The idea is to be fun and silly, I made up one for myself really quickly as an example.

I just need simple answers (I will find the artwork, unless you have a picture to represent something you think would be fun to send me)  to any or all of the following questions:

What state/country are you from/born?
as you can see, I have a picture of Idaho that represents this
Countries or significant places you have visited? (could be various states)
I have traveled more than to canada, but for example sake I just picked one, you can list more
Where is your FAVORITE place to be?
I picked Disneyland, and used my own picture. Other examples could be at the mall, in bed sleeping, outside etc. If you have a great picture of yourself at your favorite place send it! If not, I will find artwork.
What is your favorite food?
Do you have children? 
If so, how many do you have?
Do you have any pets?
Favorite Super Hero? Celebrity crush? Movie?
Something nobody knows about you?
Mine is I kind of love legolas, not Orlando Bloom, but him as a blond elf. 
Favorite Color (s)?
Do you play any instruments?
Do you have any hobbies? Sports?
Do you obsess over a TV show?
If you could be an animal, what would it be?
Is there something that you love that doesn't fall into any sort of category that I have already named?
Mine is represented by the crown, because I volunteer with the Miss America program and LOVE IT. Also (two for one here) I love jumping pictures. I have a strange obsession. 


If you would please send me ANY picture of yourself, that is the easiest way to start. I can do it without, but pictures of you are more fun! 
If there is anything else that you think of that you would like to see on your collage please include it. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Moving to Facebook!

As of June 12th we will no longer be using as our member forum. Please follow the member forum tab above to be taken to our private Facebook forum to join. 

If you do not already have a Facebook account you will need

 to create one to access the private member forum. To create

 a Facebook account all you need is an email address. 

If you only want Facebook to be apart of the SAA private

 member forum you can go to your Facebook account 

settings and change your privacy to limit who can see your

 profile. Everyone has the power to choose how much of

 your profile is viewed by others.

When you are apart of the SAA private Facebook group this

 does not mean you are automatically friends with everyone

 in the group. If you want to be friends you will have to

 request them to be your friend and wait for them to accept


Let us know if you have any questions!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last week we held our Good Luck Pot Luck for all the the members who are leaving for their rotations very soon!

We had hamburgers, hot dogs and tasty side dishes. It was a great chance to get together one last time. 

For those members that are leaving and didn't have a chance to pay their dues for the next couple of years, contact the one of the board members. We still want to keep in touch with you!
Thanks to all those that came! 
We will miss you! 
Good Luck!