Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Taste of Kirksville-Mark your calendars!

We are all looking forward to Wednesday! The Taste of Kirksville is designed for Students to come enjoy samples and booths from various restaurants and businesses in Kirksville. It's a great way for newly arrived students to quickly get to know all that Kirksville has to offer! All of the clubs from the medical school also come and have information for students to sign up and get involved! 

The SAA will also be there providing babysitting (no children are allowed in the gym) and to sign new members up. There you can pay your dues and order this year's SAA shirt! 

Thank You to all of you that have volunteered your time to babysit for the Taste of Kirksville. It means a lot to the students when we are able to serve them, but it's a really great thing when we are willing to serve each other!