Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Maegan Hilton!!

   Name: Maegan Hilton 
Student’s Name: Dan
Student’s Graduation Year: 2015
Your Birthday: March 10thBlog: 
-Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I grew up in Ogden, UT (Tiger for life). I have been married to Dan Bryk for 5 years! I graduated from Weber State University, studying exercise science and health promotion before we moved here. While in Kirksville I have worked at Truman and the Area Health Education Center. I love sewing, exercising, sugar, sunny days, and Dan.  

*Best birthday memory?     One of the best would have to be my 22th birthday. I spent it in New York City with my mom, sister, cousin, and aunt. We went {window}shopping, saw Wicked on broadway, and ate at Morimoto's restaurant. Moriomoto came to the our table and brought me a special dessert! 
*What was the best job you ever had?     Transporter at McKay-Dee Hospital. Changed my life! 
*What is the first concert you went to?    I think my first concert was Journey and Def Lepard. I went with a few friends and my parents ended up coming as well. Couldn't be mad about them coming; they have great taste in music. :)
*What is your favorite season and why?   Spring. Perfect weather for walks during the day and bonfires at night.