Name: ErinStudent’s Name: KarlStudent’s Graduation Year: 2016Your Birthday: 3/16/82Blog: www.karlanderin. (private, let me know if you'd like an invite)
-Tell us a little bit about yourself:
*What is one of your most embarrassing moments? Adolescence...and some of college. :)
*Where is the most amazing place you've ever been? Paris, Prague, Rome. Its hard to choose from among the three.
*How did you and your significant other meet? I was coerced into taking him to a dance in high school to support my friend. It was a horrible date and we didn't talk for almost 2 years afterwards.
*What was one of your favorite vacations? In college I spent a month and a half in Europe.
*What is the first concert you went to? Garth Brooks!
*When was the last time you cried? Last night.