Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Amy Miller!!

Name: Amy MillerStudent’s Name: Paul Miller Student’s Graduation Year: 2013, only a couple of months away!!!!  Your Birthday: 3/1/84 (only one more year in my 20's!!!) Blog: (it's private, let me know if you want an invite!) 

-Tell us a little bit about yourself:
 grew up in Palm Springs California, went to BYU for college and graduated in 2005 with a degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutritional Science. I also graduated with an amazing husband! Paul and I were married in December of 2004 and now have 5 gorgeous babies that are way too much fun. Mackenzie will be 7 tomorrow, Reese is 5, Dawson is 3, and Anistyn and Brynne are 2! We have loved doing our clinical rotations in Salt Lake City and are super excited for the match on March 15th!!! I love to play with my kids, bake and cook, read, play games, and hang out with my best friend ever, my hubby. 

*If you could eat at any restaurant for your birthday, what would it be? Probably my new favorite restaurant the Red Iguana

*What was the best job you ever had? Working at the Lost and Found at Brigham Young University. I loved seeing all the awesome things that people manage to lose! We had laptops, to underwear, jewelry to jockstraps, it was hilarious and fun to see what 30,000 students can lose everyday. It was also nice to find something important like a wedding ring and be able to return it. 

*What is one thing most people don't know about you? I have an extremely large birthmark that starts on my left ankle, wraps all the way up my left leg and ends on my right butt cheek. :) 

*When was the last time you cried? I cry almost everyday I look at my little girl Anistyn and think about the miracle she is and how close I came to losing her so many times.