Your Name Megan Burkhardt
Your Students Name Josh Burkhardt
Students Graduation Year 2012
Your Birthday 05/15
Your Blog Address
Tell us about your family.
Josh and I have been married for 5.5 years. Venna is 4, and Jonah is almost 2.
What's your favorite food?
I LOVE pizza! Even frozen pizza.
Which sport do you like?
I like to run. I wish I could ran fast and far.
How do you spend your free time?
Watch as much TV as I possibly can.
When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?
I feel like I can accomplish anything in the morning. That wears off about an hour after I wake up.
What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
Reading minds would be a cool “ability.” It could be really entertaining.