Name: Nicole AndersonStudent’s Name: Talon AndersonStudent’s Graduation Year: DO 2017, YEAH BABY!!! But he's currently a biomed 2nd yearYour Birthday: November 22nd- THANKSGIVING! Blog: nicolicoli.blogspot.comOh dear, I love books, snow skiing, running, biking, hiking, and playing with my family. I am a little bit crazy and a lot bit loud.-Tell us a little bit about yourself:*What is one of your most embarrassing moments?
Well, there was this one time that a boy from my church (my same age) saw me naked when I was 12- probably the worst thing ever- ask me about it sometime. :D
*Where is the most amazing place you've ever been?
Geneva, Switzerland. I had the opportunity to live there for a summer- and then I met a husband. :D another great story
*What was the best job you ever had?
oh man, maybe not the best- but I worked as a Physical Therapy Aide and I massaged A LOT of bums. Yep, that's right, I was a bum masseuse.
*What is the first concert you went to?
Pat Matheny- I was 7 and went with my dad. Seriously. :D