Name: Cari Guernsey
Student’s Name: Paul Guernsey
Student’s Graduation Year: 2014
Your Birthday: 09/06/1982
Student’s Name: Paul Guernsey
Student’s Graduation Year: 2014
Your Birthday: 09/06/1982
-Tell us a little bit about yourself:
My husband and I recently moved to Michigan for rotations and we even more recently had a baby girl on August 17th. I am from the Ogden, Utah area and graduated from Weber State University with a BS in Forensic Science. I enjoy running and can't wait for the Dr. to give me the okay to get back at it again.
*What is one of your worst embarrassing moments?
I don't know about my worst, but my favorite embarrassing moment happened when I was all by myself. I worked at the Harris Fine Arts Center as a night janitor during the summer of 2000. I cleaned carpets, floors, and bathrooms. While cleaning the bathrooms we were required to wear protective eye glasses and thick plastic gloves that stretched almost to the elbow.
One night while cleaning some sinks I was twisting out my sponge as tightly as I possible in order to get out as much water as I could and my right hand slipped off the sponge. I punched myself square in the nose! AND it hurt so bad! I really wanted to get mad at someone, but what was I to do? I punched MYSELF! What's more, when I punched myself I scrapped my glasses on the bridge of my nose scrapping off some skin, resulting in a scab. My boss asked what happened and when I told him that I punched myself in the face, he laughed, then told me he would make up another story if he were me.
*What was the best job you ever had?
*What is one thing most people don't know about you?
I am a Disney Geek! I LOVE Disneyland, as in, I want to live there! I know so much silly little trivia about Disney movies, rides, parks, and Walt Disney it's almost ridiculous!