student's name: Blake Hood
Graduation year - 2014
Birthday - April 16 1987
Blog - https://jackieandblake.
A little bit about me:
I grew up in Brookfield Wisconsin (suburb of Milwaukee) in a large family, I am the second oldest of 6 kids! I headed to St. Louis MO for college at Saint Louis University. Blake and I met in college and we got married on SLU's campus 2 years ago. We have enjoyed living in Kirksville and are excited to stay for the next two years for rotations. I teach full day pre-school at the Early Childhood Learning Center and I love it! I enjoy running, reading, eating anything with chocolate, cheering on Notre Dame football, and hanging out with friends.
Also - the picture is from the corn maze we did last fall right outside of should all check it out next fall! It is so fun!
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
If you could eat at any restaurant for your birthday what would it be?
Best birthday memory?
It was not on my actual birthday, but as a gift for my 10th birthday I got to go to the American Girl Place in Chicago with my Mom, best friend Jackie and her Mom for both of our birthdays (hers is in April too). We took the train from Milwaukee to Chicago (so fun!) and spent the day shopping for our dolls, seeing the American Girl Show, getting an American Girl Magazine cover picture with our dolls,eating lunch with our dolls, and having so much fun!
What is your favorite movie?
Adult movie- When Harry Met Sally
Children's movie - Finding Nemo