Name: Christa Cox
Students name: Gregory (Greg or "Giant") Cox
Student’s Graduation Year: 2013
Your Birthday: Feb. 13
Best birthday memory- It was the first year that Greg and I were dating. I was very homesick and he really wanted to make me feel special. He bought me several yellow gerber daises (my favorite flower) and hid them in my neighbors apartment. He had all my friends go and get one through out the day and bring it to me. That way I literally got flowers all day long. When he got of work and came over he brought me several pink gerber daises. It was the sweetest thing ever!!!
Any birthday gift- We finally got it!!! After many years, we are having a baby! Baby is due Sep. 3.
Favorite movie- The Princess Bride is the best movie EVER!!!
Best job- Mathematical research was my favorite job. I really miss it and hope that I can get back to it when we move for residency.