Name: Kali Baumgartner
Students name: Brett Baumgartner
Students graduation year: 2010
your birthday: Aug 2 1987
I grew up in Tropic, UT, tiny town in the valley of Bryce Canyon National Park. I am the youngest of 6 children and have been married for 4 years. I met Brett at Southern Utah University where I received my BS in Psychology. I am currently completing my MS degree in School Counseling with an Internship at Kirksville Middle School- then I will be DONE!!! Brett and I don't have any kids....yet :) We do have a mutt, Lucky! I love to take pictures, read and be outside. That's me I guess.
2 truths and a lie:
I spent a summer abroad in Europe while in college.
I love watching western movies.
I am pregnant.