Student’s Name: Zach Farnworth
Student’s Graduation Year: 2013
Your Birthday: 12/16/1984
Blog: zachcathcalli.blogspot.com
Tell us about your family.
Zach and I have been married for 3 1/2 years. In March of 2008 we had our first baby who was a stillborn. We saw him, held him and named him William Zachary. Two months after having Will I found out I was pregnant again. In February of 2009 our little Callista joined our family!!!
What is your favorite food?
I love mexican food. Back home they had a huge variety of restaurants I only wish they had more here.
What word describes you best?
Friendly! I love meeting new people. No matter where I go I can find friends so it was an easy adjustment moving.
Where do you like to vacation?
Disneyland/World! It's so amazing anytime you go you seriously don't think about anything in life. It's really the happiest place on earth!
Where are you from?
I grew up in Utah. I lived in Las Vegas when I was younger but Utah is what I call "home".
Who has had the most influence on your life?
My mom. She has been the best example anyone could ask for. She's taught me how to be a wife and how to be a mom!
Are you a beach, country or city person?
I'm a city person! I love shopping and the hustle of a city. It's sure a change with living in K-ville.
Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day would be my husband home, Callista in a great mood and a MALL!!!!