Name: Beth GardnerStudent’s Name: TaylorStudent’s Graduation Year: 2016Your Birthday: 2/24/89Blog:
-Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I grew up in a small rural town in Maryland. I graduated from BYU, where I met my husband, Taylor. We moved to Kirksville in August and have been loving...well, mostly just living the Med School life! During the week, I babysit for the family of a 2nd year student (twin 10 month old girls = so so so many smiles). I love reading, wrapping up in blankets, fast food, thick warm socks, sledding, watching Downton Abbey, and finding time to spend with my hubs!
*If you could eat at any restaurant for your birthday, what would it be?
I'm definitely missing Cafe Rio... Kirksville needs to get one ASAP! Sweet pork salad and a vanilla coke = yummmmmmmmm
*What is one thing most people don't know about you?
I HATE cheese... like really really hate it. I think it always looks delicious, presented so beautifully on platters next to crackers, smothered on burritos, and yummy cheesecake, but it has always tasted so so gross to me (except on greasy pizza, which I <3 nbsp="" span="">3>
*What was the best job you ever had?
Coldstone Creamery! I got half off and made some awesome creations... downside was I gained like 15 lbs in 6 months haha
*What would be your perfect day?
A day at the beach! Give me some tanning lotion, Grotto's pizza and a good book and I'm the happiest girl in the WORLD!