Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Janae Squires!

Name: Janae Squires
Student's Name: Christopher Squires
Student's Graduation Year: 2011
Birthday: July 23rd

Tell us about your family.
We have 2 fun loving, very energetic boys Carter-5 and Kasen-2, we have a baby on the way, due in November. Chris and I have been married for 7 wonderful years and we love to travel all over the world.

What is your favorite food?
I love chocolate, popcorn, and ice cream.

How do you spend your free time?
SAA, cleaning, hot baths, and sleeping.

Tell us about a favorite childhood event.
As a child I loved going on vacations with my family and we had an amazing neighborhood with tons of kids our age (like 40 on our street!). We had so much fun playing everyday, we would ride our bikes together, our skateboards, rollerblades, go swimming, anything you could imagine we played together! I miss those days!

If you could live anywhere for a year, where would it be and why?
London, England. It is so beautiful and I love the scenery, the shopping, the food and all the rich history and fun places to visit!

If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
Medical School! I wish I was smart enough to be a doctor!
Are you a beach, country, or city person?
I am a city girl, although I love the slower pace of the country and an occasional trip to the beach.

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Mesa, AZ

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Stephanie Holmes

Name: Stephanie Holmes
Student's Name: Brendon Holmes
Student's Graduation Year: 2012
Birthday: July 9th

What is your favorite food?
My absolute favorite meal is a summer BBQ: BBQ chicken, fresh fruit, corn on the cob, & a rich chocolate dessert. I also love to try new dishes.

What is your favorite sport?
I love to play volleyball with my husband & friends, but if I could do only one sport for the rest of my life, it would be running.

How do you spend your free time?
On the computer: blogging, looking up new recipes, checking e-mail & the MyFamily site. I usually manage to get one game of Internet Spades in during that time, too.

Are you a beach, country or city person?
Contrary to my husband who is a beach person through and through, I am a city person. No major cities for me, but definitely a city.

What super-power would you most like to have and why?
The Mary Poppins super power. I could clean if I ever really felt like cleaning, but the majority of the time I could snap my fingers & have everything clean!

Who has had the most influence on your life?
My dad has had the most influence on my attitude of life. Whenever I would say, "(My sister) made me mad!" He would say, "No, you chose to be mad. She didn't make you mad." This is probably one of the most valuable lessons I've ever had.