Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SAA Member Spotlights!

Here we have 16 spotlight questions please answer at LEAST 5 of them, if you want to answer more feel free! Send me your answers via e-mail (historian.saa@gmail.com) along with a photo of yourself, your name, students name, graduation year, and birthday, so we can get to know you better. We will post your spotlight the week of your birthday.*

As a little incentive to get it done once you have submitted your spotlight back to me you will be entered into a drawing to be held (DATE) for (SOMETHING COOL) :- ) More info coming on that later...

*Please know that your spotlights will be posted on a public blog. Please only answer questions you feel comfortable sharing in this context.

Your Name
Your Students Name
Students Graduation Year
Your Birthday
Your Blog Address

1. Tell us about your family.

2. Do you have any pets?

3. What's your favorite food?

4. Which sport do you like?

5. How do you spend your free time?

6. Tell us about a favorite event of your adulthood.

7. Tell us about a favorite event of your childhood.

8. What are your hobbies?

9. When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?

10. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Why?

11. If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?

12. Are you a beach, country or city person?

13. What super-power would you most like to have, and why?

14. Where are you from?

15. How do you want to be remembered?

16. Who has had the most influence on your life?

Monday, April 27, 2009


What a wonderful evening. I would like to give a special thanks to last years board. They worked very hard to make it a fabulous year and we appreciate everything they have done. Working along side the board were amazing officers and members who made the year wonderful. It was so nice to spend an evening honoring them and realizing how much they have done for the SAA and it’s members.

Thank you for your warm welcome and support of the new board. I would like to say on behalf of our board that we are so grateful for your support and are so excited for the upcoming year.

If you are trying to stay away from sweets don’t look at the photos of the decedent chocolate deserts. They were truly phenomenal. What a great end to a fun evening.

Thank you for a great year,

post signature

If you would like to download any photos from this slideshow for your personal library you may do so

Click on View Album
Within Picassa Web Albums, click on the individual picture you would like to download.
Above the picture there is a download button, click on it. Save.
Ta-Da! You have your photo.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Meet your new board

This is your new president, Mandy Wanzek. Mandy is so animated and full of great energy. Her laugh is contagious and her love for SAA shows strong. I'm excited to see what she brings to the organization next year. She shared a lot of ideas that she had. SAA is in good hands. Good Luck, Mandy!

Your new board. From left to right: Julie Callister HISTORIAN, Farrel Bean LIASON, Melissa McFadden 2ndVICEPRES, Stephanie Holmes 1stVICEPRES, Mandy, Laure Ewell TREASURER, Megan Burkhart SECRETARY, bottom row: Kari Peterson1stYEAR REP, Heather Anderson COMMUNICATION.

Farewell to the 2008-2009 board. Speaking on behalf of everyone on the board, we loved serving SAA and made so many great memories.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The winners are...

The picture was a hippo at the St. Louis Zoo (my favorite thing to see at the zoo by the way)
Krystal S, you were the first to post the correct answer.

Thanks to all who wrote a summary of what SAA means to you. I randomly picked a winner and her name is...Janae Squires. How fitting considering she was ou faithful pres this year.

I will give you each your prize on Thursday night.